Tuesday 17 March 2015

Q 11) Interfaces

Interfaces : 

  •  Interfaces are pure abstract classes (100 %) and are similar to classes.
  • An interface cannot be instantiated, meaning you cannot create an instance of an interface.
  • It can be implemented by a class or extended by another interface.
  • Interfaces are used to achieve complete abstraction in java.

Syntax :
interface interface_name {


Example of interface :

public interface DriveCar {
          void turnLeft();
          void turnRight();
void moveBack();
void accelerate();

The above is equivalent to :
public interface DriveCar {
                   public abstract void turnLeft();
                   public abstract void turnRight();
          public abstract void moveBack();
          public abstract void accelerate();

Rules for using Interface:-

  • Methods inside interface must be static, final, native or strict fp.
  • All variable declared in interface are implicitly public, static and final (Constants).
  • All methods are public and abstract by default, Even if you don’t use the keywords (Therefore 100 % abstract).
  • Interface cannot implement a class.
  • Interface can extend one or more interfaces.
  • Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance, but a class can implement more than one interface.
  •  Interface must implement all the methods in its class.

Example program 1 :

package org.javanoobs.interfaces;

public interface Movable {
     void move();


package org.javanoobs.interfaces;

public class Vehicle implements Movable{
     public void move(){
           int avgSpeed = 40;
           System.out.println(" Average speed is :  " +avgSpeed);
     public static void main(String[] args) {
           Vehicle vh = new Vehicle();


Output :
Average speed is :  40

Example program 2:

package org.javanoobs.interfaceinheritance;

// This is the first interface.
public interface Movable {
     boolean isMovable();


package org.javanoobs.interfaceinheritance;

// this is the second interface.
public interface Rollable {
     boolean isRollable();


package org.javanoobs.interfaceinheritance;

public class Tyre implements Movable,Rollable {
     int width;
     public boolean isMovable(){
           System.out.println(" This is inside of isMovable method... ");
           return true;
     public boolean isRollable(){
           System.out.println(" This is inside of isRoallable method ");
           return true;
     public static void main(String[] args) {
           Tyre tr = new Tyre();


Output :
This is inside of isMovable method...
 This is inside of isRoallable method

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