Monday 16 March 2015

Q 08) Constructors And Methods ?

CONSTRUCTOR :A Constructor is a set of instructions designed to initialize an instance of a newly created object.

Two Rules defined for the Constructors :
·         A constructor should have the same name a Class.
·         Constructors must not return a value.

There are two types of constructors :

1.       Default Constructor:         
·         Default constructor refers to a constructor that is automatically created by compiler in the absence of explicit constructors.
·         You can also call a constructor without parameters as default constructor because all of its class instance variables are set to default values.

2.       Parameterized Constructor:
               ·         Parameterized constructors are required to pass parameters on creation of objects.

·         If we define only parameterized constructors, then we cannot create an object with default constructor. This is because compiler will not create default constructor. You need to create default constructor explicitly.

public     void             add     (int a, int b)     {  }
A Java method is a collection of statements that are grouped together to perform an operation. access 
  return type   name   parameters   Body 

Example programs of Constructors :

1)  Default Constructor :
package org.javanoobs.dconstructor;

public class DefaultConstructor {

     // This is the Constructor
     public DefaultConstructor() {

           System.out.println(" I am inside the default constructor !!! ");

     public static void main(String args[]) {

           // Object created..
           DefaultConstructor dCon = new DefaultConstructor();


I am inside the default constructor !!!

2)  Parameterized Constructor :

package org.javanoobs.pconstructor;

public class Test2 {

     int a, b; // instance variables.
     static int c;

     // this is the instance block.
           System.out.println(" Inside Instance Block ");
           System.out.println(" C =  " + c);
           System.out.println(" A =  " + a);


     static {

           System.out.println("Inside the static block !!!");
           System.out.println(" C =  " + c);


     public void disp() {

           int d = 1; // Local varables, initialize to 0 or 1 or will result in an
                           // error.
           d += a + b + c;

           System.out.println("d after addition : " + d);
           System.out.println(" Disp method called...");

     public static void main(String args[]) {

           Test2 t; // refference variable .
           t = new Test2(); // t is the object .


package org.javanoobs.pconstructor;

public class ParameterizedConstructor {

     private String name;

     public ParameterizedConstructor(String str) {
  = str;
           System.out.println("I am Inside Parametrized Constructor !!!");
           System.out.println("The parameter Value is : " + str);

     public static void main(String args[]) {

           ParameterizedConstructor pCon = new ParameterizedConstructor(" Java Noobs !!! ");


I am Inside Parametrized Constructor !!!
The parameter Value is :  Java Noobs !!! 

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